Monday, September 28, 2009

Day 0014

**This post was part of my old 101 challenge blog, and was merged over.

I'm not gonna go into much detail today. I will just update you on my progress so far.

021. Take multi-vitamins everyday for one month [14/30]
028. Wake up before 10 AM everyday for a year [0/365]
I actually have to start over with this one. I have class tomorrow so maybe I'll be able to actually start and finish this one. Hope for the best.
034. Send 50 Postcards via Post Crossing [11/50]
I sent 6 more postcards today. I also received my first postcards today. I got 4! Check out the pictures of the postcards at my postcard blog, Marie's Entertainment.
047. Visit all counties in Washington (old visits may count) [10/39]
I'm actually going to count my past visits because there are way to many counties in Washington and I don't have enough time or money to revisit all of them.
061. Watch 26 movies starting with each letter of the alphabet [6/26]
I watched Quinceanera on the 25th and I watched Wolverine last night. They are both great movies.
080. Earn $100 from blogging in one year [$2.69/$100]
Adbrite: $0.21
Adgitize: $2.48
087. Own at least 50 piggy banks [8/50]
I got 4 more piggy banks yesterday at Goodwill.
096. Reach 50 followers on this blog [10/50]

That's all for today. See you guys next week!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Day 0008

**This post was part of my old 101 challenge blog, and was merged over.

It has been one week since I started my challenge. Since I have a little over 2 and a half years to complete everything, I'd say I'm doing ok. But I wish I would have completed more tasks by now. Well, here are my updates since day 0003.

001. Read 50 books. [0/50]
I'm really trying to finish my current (and first) book. Its not that its boring. Cuz its really not. I just haven't been in the mood to read lately. I love being on the computer. And I love watching TV/DVDs. Maybe that's why I put this goal on my list. I really need to start reading again. Hopefully I will do some reading tonight and tomorrow. Maybe by the end of the month, I'll be finished? Hopefully.
016. Don't eat fast food more than twice a month [0/34]
I ate fast food on Sept 18th. So that's two for the month of September. I actually ate fast food earlier in the month, before I started my challenge.
021. Take multi-vitamins everyday for one month [8/30]
I've actually been really good with my vitamins. I've taken it everyday since the challenge started. So hopefully, I can accomplish this task soon.
027. Take 10 whole-day breaks from the internet [1/10]
I've actually taken my first one. Can you believe it? It was really hard for me. I depend on the internet too much. By 6 PM I was going crazy with boredom. I didn't want to watch another movie. And I surely wasn't in the mood to read a book. I finally settled with watching Charmed. My day break was on Sept 18th.
028. Wake up before 10 AM everyday for a year [1/365]
This one is gonna be a tough one. I really really really hate waking up early. I am definitely not a morning person, I can tell you that. I actually woke up at 8 AM on the 18th because of my dentist appointment at 10 AM but since then, I've slept in. So that one doesn't count. But today, I had a class at 10 AM and actually woke up early. Hopefully I am able to stick to this routine for the next year. I want to become a morning person. I like being awake in the morning. I just hate to actually, wake up.
034. Send 50 Postcards via Post Crossing [5/50]
I sent 5 of them today. International postcards are not cheap! I will remember that next time I want to send a whole bunch of postcards. 50? Was I crazy? That's about $50 in postage alone! But I will stick to it. Because its worth it to me. The more postcards I send, the more postcards I will receive. I can't wait to receive my first postcards in the mail.
061. Watch 26 movies starting with each letter of the alphabet [4/26]
I watched Confessions of a Shopaholic yesterday. I loved it. The book has been one of my favorite books. The movie was a little different. But still good.
063. Watch all 8 seasons of Charmed [1/8]
I finished Season 1 of Charmed the other day. I also watched 4 episodes of Season 2 yesterday.
080. Earn $100 from blogging in one year [$1.58/$100]
Adbrite: $0.17
Adgitize: $1.41
091. Add 100 more playing cards to my collection [4/100]
I bought another pack of cards on Sept 18th. I think it was a Harley Davidson one. It was on sale.
096. Reach 50 followers on this blog [9/50]
I have 9 followers! Yay!

That's all for today. Haha. Yeahh, I know its a lot.

Post Crossing!

**This post was part of my old 101 challenge blog, and was merged over.

034. Send 50 postcards via Post Crossing [5/50]

Want to see a collection of all my postcards? I have another blog, where I will post pictures of the postcards I receive from Post Crossing. I know my goal is to send out 50 postcards, but it would be boring if I just posted up pictures of the ones that I sent, so I'm posting pictures of the ones I receive. More interesting, yeahh? Well here is the link to my other blog --> Click Here.

Also, it is listed as Marie's Entertainment in my sidebar, under my profile information.

I don't have any postcards yet. I sent out my first 5 postcards today. And boy, are they expensive. I didn't realize international postcards would cost so much. But its ok, cuz hopefully I will get a bunch of international cards in return. Which would make it worth it for me.

So check out the blog, even follow it if you want. That way you'll know when I update! :]

Ciao for now.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Day 0003

**This post was part of my old 101 challenge blog, and was merged over.

I didn't complete any goals yesterday or today, but I did work on some of them.

I took my vitamins. Watched 3 movies: Definitely, Maybe, Marley & Me, and Bee Movie. I loved all three. I hate to admit this, but I actually cried during Marley & Me. I don't want to spoil anything, but my puppy was, and still is, a troublemaker and I really connected with the movie. Definitely, Maybe was a great movie too. It was interesting trying to figure out who the girl's mother is. And Bee Movie was good too. It really shows you the perspective of bees, and their place in this world. I recommend all three.

I watched 4 episodes of Charmed, seasoned 1. And read up to Chapter 8 in my current book. I also took my vitamins. So far, since Sept 15th, I have earned $0.54, as of Sept 16th because today's earnings has not yet been calculated.
Adsense: $0.00
Adbrite: $0.08
Paypal: $0.00
Amazon: $0.00
Adgitize: $0.46
I include Paypal on here instead of all the programs I'm an affiliate of, its easier than keeping track of them.
Ooh! I have 5 followers now. Thanks! Keep following please.

Worked on:
001. Read 50 books [0/50]
021. Take multi-vitamins everyday for one month [3/30]
061. Watch 26 movies starting with each letter of the alphabet [3/26]
063. Watch all 8 seasons of Charmed [0/8]
068. Watch 101 movies [1/101]
080. Earn $100 from blogging in one year [0.54/100]
096. Reach 50 followers on blog [5/50]

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Challenge has begun

**This post was part of my old 101 challenge blog, and was merged over.

Day 0001
Yay! Its finally the 15th! It feels like its been months since I created this blog, and my list. But its only been a week or so. It felt like forever. Haha. Well, today, I completed a couple of goals, and worked on a few others.
Goals Completed
082. Write a letter to myself, to be opening on last day of the challenge
099. Create weekly goals and checklists

I created my weekly goal sheets and my weekly and daily progress reports. Here are some snapshots.


I wrote down each goal onto a slip of paper, and then inserted them into this jar. Everyday, when I'm bored or don't have anything else to do, I will put a paper out of the jar and try to accomplish the goal.
Goals I worked on today:
021. Take multi-vitamins everyday for one month
I took my vitamins today! :] I can't take pills, so I take the One-a-day Multivitamin Gummies. They are pretty tasty. Its just like gummy bears, its not the kind that look like they are coated in sugar, like the kids vitamins.
035. Donate 100,000 grains of rice at
I donated 350 grains of rice today!

047. Visit all counties in WA
I checked off my county off the list, since I live here.
061. Watch 26 movies starting with each letter of the alphabet
Today, I watched Mamma Mia! It was a good movie. I like it because of all the songs and singing and it was entertaining. Its about a girl, Sophie, who is getting married and she wants her father to walk her down the aisle. Problem is, she doesn't know who her father is. She is able to contact 3 men from her mother's past who could possibly be her father. She invites them to her wedding, without her mother's knowledge. It gets pretty interesting. I would recommend it. View my post here.

078. Put $5 in savings for every completed task
I put $10 in my savings account today.
087. Own at least 50 piggy banks
Today, I bought 4 cute piggy banks at Goodwill. Check out this post to view more details.
091. Add 100 more playing cards to my collection
At Goodwill, I also bought 3 sets of playing cards.
092. Add 200 more DVDs to my collection
I also went to the Pawn Exchange today. And I bought 10 DVDs for $10! I love the Pawn Exchange.
096. Reach 50 followers on this blog
I have 3 followers so far. Help me with this goal, please follow me! Thank you!

All in all.
Today has been a great day and a great start to my challenge.
See you next time!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

My first piggy banks!

**This post was part of my old 101 challenge blog, and was merged over.

087. Own at least 50 piggy banks [4/50]

My first piggy banks! Woohoo! These ones are so cute. I found them at Goodwill. So, 4 Piggies down, so many more to go :P

The see-through blue one is my favorite. Its got 4 different slots (and they each have their own bottom opening hole!). The slots are for: Save, Spend, Donate, and Invest. I don't know if you can see it in the picture, but my 'Spend' slot if halfway full already. haha. But don't worry, its only pennies. :]

Mamma Mia!

**This post was part of my old 101 challenge blog, and was merged over.

061. Watch 26 movies starting with each letter of the alphabet

Today, I watched Mamma Mia! It was a good movie. I like it because of all the songs and singing and it was entertaining. Its about a girl, Sophie, who is getting married and she wants her father to walk her down the aisle. Problem is, she doesn't know who her father is. She is able to contact 3 men from her mother's past who could possibly be her father. She invites them to her wedding, without her mother's knowledge. It gets pretty interesting. I would recommend it.

Check out some pictures from the movie...

Sunday, September 13, 2009

2 days to go!

**This post was part of my old 101 challenge blog, and was merged over.

Whoo! Only 2 days to go until my official start date. I'm just about ready to get started. I almost finished my notebook that I'mma use to document the whole challenge. This is gonna be fun and interesting. Well, see you guys in 2 days!

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

The Pre-event To The Big Event

**This post was part of my old 101 challenge blog, and was merged over.

Hi. First off, my name is Leilanie. I'm 20 years old and I live in Washington state, in the United States. Some people know me by my middle name, which is Marie. That is the name I go by on my other blogs [Travelin' With Marie] (check em out when you get a chance). I first came across the 101 in 1001 challenge from one of my blogger friends. I was really curious so I decided to see what it was about. And anyone that knows me know's that I love to create lists. I love to create goals. I feel accomplished when I'm able to cross something off my list. Even if its something as simple as taking my vitamins or washing the laundry. I'm also a big fan of The Bucket List. I have many goals and tasks I want to accomplish before I, well, kick the bucket. So, I figured this would be a great challenge for me. I'm sure I will have fun and meet a lot of people along the way.

Since it is already past September 1st, I'm deciding the wait until October 1st to officially start my list. I know a few other people that are also starting on this day so I know I will have supporters alongside me. I'm a BIG procrastinator, but I'm GREAT at organizing. Kinda weird, huh? To work against my procrastination, I will create checklists, and weekly goals, and many things to keep me motivated. This is a big project and I plan on completing all of my goals.

Stay tuned for more information and I can't wait to see you on October 1st!

**Edit: I can't wait for October 1st... it's too far from now and I have nothing to do at the moment anyway. So I moved up my start date to September 15th. Still a few days away, but not that far away. Hope y'all don't mind :]

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

101 in 1001 Friends + More

I love it when I find other people who are also doing 101 in 1001. Please leave me a comment so I can list you here. Also, please lemme know your start date. Thanks!

Clara started her list on April 1st, 2008
Eric started his list on August 21st, 2008

Nichole started her list on January 1st, 2009
Amanda started her list on March 21st, 2009 
Tara started her list on May 17th, 2009
Abel started her list on August 9th, 2009
Julie started her list on August 30th, 2009
Luana started her list on September 12th, 2009
Tasha strarted her list on September 17th, 2009
Shawn started his list on September 18th, 2009
Sarah started her list on October 1st, 2009
Sarah (Hawklady) started her list on October 1st, 2009
Samantha started her list on October 1st, 2009
Megan started her list on October 7th, 2009
Jos started her list on November 14th, 2009

Cici started her list on April 30th, 2010

Other friends:
Jo is doing a 250 while I'm 25 list


Monday, September 7, 2009

About 101 in 1001

The Mission:
Complete 101 preset tasks in a period of 1001 days.
The Criteria:
Tasks must be specific (ie. no ambiguity in the wording) with a result that is either measurable or clearly defined. Tasks must also be realistic and stretching (ie. represent some amount of work on my part).
Why 1001 Days?
Many people have created lists in the past – frequently simple goals such as New Year’s resolutions. The key to beating procrastination is to set a deadline that is realistic. 1001 Days (about 2.75 years) is a better period of time than a year, because it allows you several seasons to complete the tasks, which is better for organising and timing some tasks such as overseas trips or outdoor activities.

Day Zero Project

101 in 1001: The Master List

Official Start: September 15th 2009
End Date: June 12th 2012
Last Updated: August 8th, 2010
Key:Still needs to be done, In Progress, Completed

Knowledge is Power
001. Read 50 books [5/50] View books
002. Read the Bible entirely
003. Graduate college with an ATA in Business Management 06/13/10
004. Cook 20 new dishes [0/20] View Dishes
005. Start and maintain a book log for the duration of this challenge
006. Read 10 books suggested by friends or family [1/10] View Books
007. Learn how to make 15 alcoholic drinks [1/15] View Recipes
008. Learn how to drive stick shift
009. Read a book on the history of Kitsap County
010. Learn how to change a tire
011. Learn how to best apply makeup for my face
012. Read 5 books about U.S. History [0/5] View Books
013. Learn about the Filipino culture
014. Find 101 quotes that inspire me [26/101] View Quotes
015. Get certified in at least one geographical area

A Healthy Lifestyle
016. Eat at least 15 home cooked meals every month [0/15] x [8/34]
017. Drink at least 3 bottles of water each day for one month [0/30]
018. Lose 50 pounds [5/50]
019. Exercise 3 times a week for 6 months [0/72]
020. Practice yoga at least once a week for one year [0/52]
021. Take multi-vitamins everyday for a month [30/30] 10/14/09
022. Attend a pole dancing class
023. Complete Couch to 5K
024. Get my teeth whitened
025. Equip my car with an emergency kit
026. Attend a self-defense class
027. Take 10 one-day breaks from the Internet [5/10]
028. Wake up before 10am at least 5x a week for one year [0/52]
029. Do 100 sit-ups without stopping
030. Track my health progress on my blog

Give Back To Others
031. Send 5 shoe boxes to Operation Christmas Child [0/5]
032. Donate blood twice [0/2]
033. Donate a gallon of blood
034. Send 50 postcards via Postcrossing [50/50] 11/16/09
035. Donate 100,000 grains of rice at Free Rice [6,000/100,000]
036. Donate $5 to Book Wish for each item that I do not complete
037. Compliment a stranger
038. Volunteer for 5 separate charity events [0/5]
039. Make a scrapbook for someone else 03/18/10
040. Help the Hubby create his own 101 in 1001 list
041. Take my parents out for dinner at a nice restaurant
042. Donate $5 to a random blogger
043. Send 10 "Just Because" cards/postcards to friends or family [2/10]
044. Help 5 other 101ers accomplish a task [0/5]
045. Grow out my hair and donate to Locks of Love

Travel All Around the World
046. Visit the Pike Place Market
047. Visit five new counties in Washington [1/5]
048. Visit a ghost town
049. Go on a road trip (must be at least 500 miles total)
050. Leave the country at least twice to 2 different countries [0/2]
051. Visit Hollywood Walk of Fame
052. Visit Hawaii again 01/12/10
053. Spend a day at Kitsap Lake
054. Visit 26 Cities/Towns starting with each letter of the alphabet [1/26] View Places
055. Visit San Francisco
056. Attend 2 Seattle sports games [0/2]
057. Attend 2 Seattle Seahawks games (one home and one away) [0/2]
058. Visit 3 new states [0/3]
059. Visit the original Starbucks in Seattle
060. Visit 10 different beaches that I've never been to [0/10]

Girls Just Wanna Have Fun
061. Watch 26 movies starting with each letter of the alphabet [16/26] View Movies
062. Party on my 21st Birthday! 05/08/10
063. Watch all 8 seasons of Charmed [8/8] 02/10/10
064. See a movie at the drive inn 06/29/10

065. Hang out with friends at least once a month for a year [0/12]
066. Have a photo shoot with someone 05/08/10
067. Go horseback riding
068. Watch 101 movies [16/101] View Movies
069. Fly in a helicopter
070. Watch a movie from the year I was born (1989) 11/13/09
071. Make a geocache and hide it
072. Find 10 geocaches [0/10]
073. Discover 5 geocoins [0/5]
074. Ride a zip line
075. Have my fortune read

For Myself and the Hubby
076. Get married and plan my own wedding
077. Get at least 2 new tattoos [0/2]
078. Put $5 in savings for every task completed [$0/$505]
079. Pay off my credit card debt entirely [1/3]
080. Earn $100 from blogging in one year [$100/$100]
081. Get our own apartment (without roommates)
082. Write a letter to myself to be opened on the last day of the challenge 09/15/09
083. Buy a new digital camera 10/10/09
084. Buy a safety deposit box for all important papers
085. Finish a photobook for myself
086. Get pregnant
087. Own at least 50 piggy banks [11/50]
088. Send a postcard to PostSecret
089. Buy a handheld GPS
090. Write a 500-word short story
091. Add 100 more playing card sets to my collection [30/100]
092. Add 200 more DVDs to my collection [200/200] 12/27/09
093. Start a recipe book
094. Purchase a whole new set of bras and panties and get rid of the old ones
095. Thoroughly clean out my room and storage and get rid of what I don't need

Everything Else
096. Reach 50 followers on this blog [37/50]
097. Blog about every completed item on the list [9/101]
098. Throw a party on my 1001th day!
099. Create weekly goals and checklists to keep myself motivated 09/15/09
100. Inspire 5 people to create their own lists [0/5]
101. Create another 101 in 1001 list and do it again View New List

Places List

054. Visit 26 Cities/Towns starting with each letter of the alphabet

None of these places can be places I've visited before. I'd like to try out different states other than Washington, but I don't have much money so I might have to stick to close by places. But I'm willing to learn about new places in nearby states, such as Oregon, California, Idaho, Montana, and Nevada. Some of those states are a stretch, but that's ok. Also, these places can also count towards other goals. Does not have to be part of the United States, can be from another country.

E. Ewa Beach, HI - 01/12/10
S. Shelton, WA - 04/10

Places I want to visit:
Forks, Washington
Port Angeles, Washington
Olympia, Washington
Vancouver, B.C.
Victoria, B.C

Drink Recipes List

007. Learn how to make 15 alcoholic drinks

I love fruity drinks. So I want to learn how to make lots of cocktails. Any suggestions are welcomed.

Recipes I've learned:
Tropical Dragon (my own creation) 05/08/10

Recipes I want to try:
Skittles Vodka
any suggestions?

Movie List

None of these movies can be movies that I've seen before. In order to be placed on the list, I have to watch it from start to finish. How I watch the movie (theater, drive-in, home, etc.) and old how the movie is (1995, 2000, 2009, etc.) does not matter. Also, the ABC movies cannot count towards the 101 movies.
I am open to suggestions.

061. Watch 26 movies I've never seen starting with each letter of the alphabet
A. Avatar 1/9/10
B. Bee Movie 9/16/09
C. Confessions of a Shopaholic 9/21/09
D. Definitely, Maybe 9/16/09
G. G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra 11/13/09
H. High School Musical 3 10/17/09
K. Kit Kittridge: An American Girl 11/13/09
L. Little Miss Sunshine 3/20/10
M. Mamma Mia! 9/15/09
N. Night at the Museum: Battle at the Smithsonian 12/4/09
Q. Quinceanera 9/25/09
R. Reign Over Me 10/12/09
S. Surrogates 7/31/10
T. Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen 10/21/09
U. United 93 11/01/09
W. World Trade Center 11/01/09
X. X-Men Origins: Wolverine 9/28/09

068. Watch 101 movies
1. Marley and Me 9/16/09
2. Bride Wars 9/29/09
3. The Wedding Singer 10/11/09
4. The Holiday 11/08/09
5. Dr. Dolittle: Tail to the Chief 11/08/09
6. The Promotion 11/11/09
7. Tyler Perry's Meet The Browns 12/6/09
8. Tyler Perry's Madea Goes to Jail 12/28/09
9. Tyler Perry's I Can Do Bad All By Myself 1/17/10
10. Bring It On: Fight To the Finish 1/17/10
11. The Alphabet Killer 1/18/10
12. G-Force 2/09/10
13. Couples Retreat 2/13/10
14. Whip It! 2/25/10
15. The Boys Are Back 2/25/10
16. 2012 3/25/10
17. Twilight: Eclipse 6/29/10
18. The Proposal 8/2/10

any suggestions?

Book List

001. Read 50 books
006. Read 10 books suggested by friends or family
012. Read 5 books about U.S. History (must be about different topics)
*All books must be at least 150 pages or 300 if they are pocketbooks.

I am open to suggestions! I want to get out of my comfort zone but I don't want to end up trying to finish a book that can't hold my interest. I normally read chick lit. I still like reading teen books, mainly because they're like fairytales to me, they don't have to worry about bills and getting a job, among other things. So, I'm open to suggestions. I'm starting to get into reading mysteries but they've been girly mysteries, but I'm willing to read others. Any books read can be applied to all three goals.

I'm currently reading:
...none at the moment

What I've read so far:
1. Second Chance by Jane Green 10/11/09
2. One for the Money by Janet Evanovich 11/16/09
3. Two for the Dough by Janet Evanovich* 12/20/09
4. Three to Get Deadly by Janet Evanovich 01/10/10
5. Breaking Dawn by Stephenie Meyers 02/25/10

To-Read List:
none yet. any suggestions?

*Recommended by others

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Recipes List

004. Cook 2 new dishes a month for 6 months

I want to learn new cultural dishes. I also want to learn some American favorites. Any suggestions are welcomed.

Recipes I've learned:
none yet.

Recipes I want to try:
any suggestions?

Saturday, September 5, 2009

New 101 in 1001 List

I haven't even started my first list, and I'm already thinking of another. Crazy, huh? Well, here I'm just gonna list my ideas. No categories or organization yet. Please help me and leave some suggestions and recommendations.

Buy a house
Create a baby book for my 1st born
Volunteer 5 times [0/5]
Participate in 5 swaps at Swap-Bot [0/5]
Create and bury a time capsule
See a burlesque show
Collect a postcard from every state [0/50]
Send 2 cards a month to a Pal at Post Pals
Visit all the counties in Georgia
Put change in an expired meter
Complete Project 365 and finish the scrapbook