Monday, November 16, 2009

Things to do: Monday

My last to-do list worked out pretty well and it was easy for me to keep track of what I needed to do. So, here's my list for tomorrow:

001. Read at least 3 chapters.
031. Put together a box because this week is the national collection week.
034. Send out 4 more postcards.
063. Finish the last episodes of the 5th season.
092. Update my inventory, then update my blog.

I think that's all. I also need to do other things that aren't necessarily related to my list:

Meet my speech partner at 4PM
Go to the post office
Create postcards for friends
Put in an order on the Kodak Gallery
Set up a Washington road trip for when my hubby comes back

Well, I guess they are related to my list, just not directly related. I'll update later to let you know what I've accomplished..♥

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